How I got from fat to fit, among other bits of wisdom.

Archive for February, 2012

La Bamba!

Would the Real Ritchie Valens please stand up?!

Okay, that was the name of one of my favorite movies as a pre-teenager.  Yes, before that, it was a popular song by Ritchie Valens, who, to me, will always look like Lou Diamond Phillips. I’m not really going to talk about Ritchie Valens or La Bamba in this post, though…

Today is Leap Day.  Is that supposed to make today something special?  I don’t know.  It is fun to revolve crafts and lessons around this day at school.  It is also nice for the folks who were born on February 29 to celebrate on their actual birthday.

Buddy Holly and his Eyewear

Today, in 1980, Buddy Holly’s signature eyeglasses were pulled out of a vaguely marked, sealed manila envelope.  You can read about that here.

I think that is pretty special.  I do think that we place significance on rarity.

Isn’t something more valuable if it is a rare find? Don’t we perk up and listen to the speaker who doesn’t often contribute?  Don’t my blog stats increase significantly when I’ve taken a few days (or weeks) off and then I post something?  The answer to all of these questions is, “yes”.

Leap Day occurs once every four years.  Therefore, it is not mundane or ordinary.  Buddy Holly was a popular entertainer and his look was complete with his signature eyeglasses.  His glasses were found hidden away on Leap Day.  Maybe today is your day to be extraordinary.  Maybe you sign up for that race or you call that friend you miss.

A manila envelope may seem ordinary, but what is inside may be extraordinary!  You may feel ordinary, simple, like you are no big deal, but wise up!  Open up your envelope (or heart, or mind, or whatever) and discover what you (and someone else) might find!

Open it. See what's inside!

Turkey Vulture Playground

Turkey Vultures can soar for hours without flapping their wings.

My backyard is a turkey vulture’s playground today.

I was watching a documentary on Netflix about Angels and Demons while eating lunch when I saw shadows out the windows behind me.  I freaked out a little.

I decided to look outside and saw what I termed “turkey buzzards” flying in that circular pattern in my backyard.  Ew, I thought!  I banged on the window with little success.

Then, the birds started landing in the trees in the backyard.  They spread their winds with a presence!

I shuddered, thinking, “how ugly!” and “What does this mean???”

I went straight to Google.  I found a site that said, “Turkey Vulture Facts”.  I clicked.

It turns out there are a lot of things I didn’t know about turkey vultures.  I had made an unfair assumption about the birds.  For one thing, they’re not buzzards.  They’re vultures.  For another, just because they are circling around my house doesn’t mean that there is a dead animal they want to pick at and eat in my backyard!  The best explanation (Oh!  One just flew by my window low to the ground) is that they are playing.  Well, that’s cool.  I like playfulness in my backyard!

Often we rely on our first impressions and assumptions based on erroneous information.  I’m glad that I took the time to look up more information about turkey vultures to dispel any misinformation I might have heard (and may have relayed) in the past.  It also took away the fear that I first felt when I saw the shadows of their vast wingspan fly past my window.

What is something new that you will learn today?

Lead Me Not Into Temptation

1 Oreo = 70 calories...but who can eat just one???

Who primarily does the grocery shopping in your house?  When I first got married, my husband primarily did the shopping.  His “list” consisted of whatever was on sale.  Truth.

Now, I primarily do the shopping.  Sure, I still shop sales if they are relevant, but I’m not buying the Cheese Nips just because they are on sale.  I’ll save even more money just leaving them on the shelf!

I make my monthly menu and create my weekly shopping list according to the menu.  I also shop for our other staples.

Apparently, I don’t buy enough junk food…

My husband went to the store yesterday.  He came home with one item on my list.  He also came home with the one item I knew he said he needed (which was also on sale).  He came home with four bags.  Included in those bags were:

  • Oreo Klondike Bars
  • Springtime Oreo Cookies
  • Bugles
  • Tortilla Chips
  • Salsa

Sigh.  I’m pretty sure I let him in on the fact that I gave up desserts for Lent.  I didn’t complain.  I’m simply resisting temptation.  I did eat a fair share of Bugles yesterday…

We all get tempted.  Even Jesus got tempted.  I think it makes us stronger when we succeed in resisting temptation.  It makes me feel more empowered and satisfied that I chose God over my sweat treats.  I know it must please Him!  Thanks be to God!

A Watched Pot Never Boils

I had a college roommate say to me once, “A watched pot never boils.”  She was talking quite literally about the pot over which I was hovering, waiting for it to boil so I could insert my pasta for supper.

Something about that moment – that phrase – has stuck with me.

Obviously, when I’m boiling water on the stove top, I hear her recite those words.  Today, however, while taking a walk, I got to thinking about another friend.  This friend has been searching for a job for over a year.  She has her sights on a job that offers a lot of good and free coffee.  She loves good and free coffee.  She has decided to give up coffee for Lent.  I bet she gets the job!

What does that have to do with watching a pot?  I’ll tell you.

As I was thinking about my friend and her sacrifice, I thought, “You know, she should start some time-consuming project, like making another quilt or something.  It’s often the times that we are not expecting or paying attention that our opportunities come to pass.  If she starts that quilt, then perhaps out of the blue, the phone call she’s been waiting for will come.  If she just sits by the phone all day (she doesn’t do this, but I’m illustrating a point), then perhaps that phone will never ring.

A watched phone never rings…

Oh, this is fun.  Reply back with your own quip.  These little phrases can apply to almost anything!  The point is to move forward.  Expect your breakthrough, but don’t just sit around and wait for it.  Keep moving and then, BAM!, it’ll come in perfect timing!

Lent 2012

Do you have your rice bowls?  I don’t, but I’ll improvise.  I made a very necessary decision as to what to “give up” for Lent this year.  It will be a sacrifice for sure!  I haven’t been able to give up such for myself, but I will do anything for God.

Last year, I gave up diet soda.  Guess what?!  I’m still soda-free!!!  I put the money I would have paid for soda in my “rice bowl” and donated it to my church when the Lenten season ended (well, I just wrote an extra check).

In 2010, I gave up Facebook and put the time that I would have spent on Farmville (wow, I haven’t missed that game) into bible study.

In 2009, I gave up secular music and only listened to Christian music.  What a blessing that was! Although I do now also listen to secular music, I have found a love of contemporary
Christian music!

Before 2009, it is a blur.

It has only been within the last five years that I really understood the almsgiving part of Lent. I just gave up something without returning anything to God.  Well, I mean, other than money, but I didn’t really realize why I was putting money in the rice bowl. In fact, I sometimes didn’t give up anything and just took this time like any other.  Treated it as nothing special.

Father John Leonard illustrated for me the importance of almsgiving in addition to sacrifice during Lent.  I learned so much over the years from his homilies at St. Michael Roman Catholic Church when I regularly attended there.

Since Christmas, it appears that I’ve developed a daily and overindulging sweet tooth.  I used to not be such a desserts kind of girl, but over the past two months, I have found myself eating an average of two desserts per day.  My jeans are getting snug.  It’s like I can’t help myself and I indulge anyway.  Well, if there is something that I know about myself, it is that I will do anything for God.  Yes, of course, I fear that He will ask me to do something I so do not want to do, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.

I’m giving up desserts for Lent.  I didn’t say “sugar”, I just said desserts.  So, if I slap some chocolate peanut butter on my banana, that doesn’t count.  Cakes, cookies, ice cream, pies, candy, etc.–all of that counts.  I can still eat a Zone bar for breakfast even though it has chocolate as an ingredient.  It’s not a dessert for me.

I’m taking the path of giving money as my alms for my sacrifice.  So, I’ll estimate how much I’m “saving” financially in the desserts I’m not eating and I’ll put them in my “rice bowl” and donate the money on Easter Sunday.

Father in Heaven,
the light of your truth bestows sight
to the darkness of sinful eyes.
May this season of repentance
bring us the blessing of Your forgiveness
and the gift of Your light.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
International Committee on English in the Liturgy (ICEL)

Snow Day!

Hello, snow!

Central Virginia finally got some snow so the kids could play!  I love to watch snow fall. This was the perfect snow because it fell just enough for one full day of play and then it all melted and life can now go back to normal!  Despite myself, I like order.  I like for things to go as planned.  I’m trying to loosen up…  

Yesterday, my kids dressed and undressed about a dozen times in their snow gear.  I guess since they had already made mini snowmen during the recent dusting, they didn’t feel the need to make a larger one yesterday.  Besides, by the time the snow was the right consistency to even make a snowman, my kids were burned out.  They did have fun sledding and just running around in the snow.

Snow play offers major calorie burn!  It takes more effort to run around and play in the snow and I always get so hot and sweaty!  I missed a lot of snow play yesterday.  A family was coming to look at my house that is for sale, so I had to do the impossible…clean the house while the children were still at home!  You know what that’s like, right?  Yes, like shoveling snow while it’s still snowing!

Thankfully, the children are finally old enough to go outside by themselves!  Yes, I had to keep a door open so I could hear, therefore letting heat escape (safety first), but they were able to play and I was able to clean.  Of course, I didn’t get a single picture of this year’s snow play!  Oh well.  I took plenty of pictures during the season’s first snow, which was a dusting.  It was enough.  The faces there were more full of joy that day!

Did you get to play in the snow yesterday?

Love Lives Here

Yes, indeed, love lives here.

You know how people have those cute decals on their walls?  I envision one somewhere in my home that says, “Love lives here.”

Perhaps it is because we just celebrated Valentine’s Day, but that phrase keeps repeating in my mind.

Love lives here.

I Googled it, of course.  I got a song by The Faces, but the lyrics did not at all apply to my interpretation of the phrase.  I also found a ministry for “the poor, addicted, homeless and/or socially marginalized”.  That did not fit what I was thinking either!

My home is for sale.  There has been a lot of love displayed in this home.  From the details of construction to bringing home a new baby; from hitting my rock bottom to losing 50 pounds; love has brought me through it all.  As strangers walk through my home, I wonder if they will feel the overwhelming love that I feel when I’m inside my home…or will they just see walls and flooring?

I’m convinced that after I’m gone, the love will remain in my house.  I will leave a part of it here and will have plenty more to share as I move forward.

Yes, indeed, love lives here.

No Chocolates for This Valentine!

No Chocolate Temptation This Year!

I meant to write a post yesterday to plead with my Valentine not to give me chocolates this February 14.  I got so busy finishing up my Valentines that I didn’t have time to come to the computer and write before spending the afternoon at the school to eat lunch with my Valentines, make Valentine’s copies for this week’s labels drive, and participate in Valentine’s parties in the classrooms.  When we got home, we made Valentine cookies (that Daddy had requested) and Valentine’s dinner.  After dinner, we hung out and just loved one another.  It was a perfect day.

Do you know what else was awesome about this day?  My husband felt absolutely no need to bring me home any chocolate!  Yippee!

You know how it goes, “It’s Valentine’s Day, a little chocolate just this time will be okay.” But do you know into what that turns?  There’s a holiday or party of some kind every month, every week even!  I’m not saying abolish the chocolate (never!).  But if I indulge every time there is a “special occasion”, then it would be all of the time!

My life is full of special occasions!  I like it that way!  I just have to remember that each day is special and live accordingly!

Coffee as a Yardstick?

Add a little cinnamon to your day!

I started drastically upping my caffeine consumption after my second child was born.  I had one in the terrible twos (and it was everything that they show in the movies) and a newborn.  I was emotional and tired.

I started drinking coffee that was flavored and sweetened so that it didn’t have to taste like coffee.  I also consumed a lot of diet soda. If I had known about the deliciousness of Red Bull (I have recently tried it once and vowed to stay away because I know I could become addicted to that stuff!), then I would have chosen that beverage.

When I gave up diet soda last year for Lent, and then thereafter for good, I went exclusively to coffee and green tea for caffeine consumption.  By the way, soda still tastes NASTY to me now!  I thought my husband’s Diet 7Up was my water last night and took a sip and had to spit it out in the sink!

Okay, back to the title of this blog post (small sidebar): Can the way I prepare my coffee be used as a yardstick for my overall  maturity?

Well, maybe not completely, but let me explain.

When I first started drinking coffee, I sweetened it with about two tablespoons of Splenda.  If I accidentally took a sip without first sweetening it, it tasted so bitter and nasty!  I then progressed to being able to reduce the amount of sweetener (and switched to Stevia) I used in each cup to less than a teaspoon.  I wanted to progress to no sweetener at all, but how do people drink this stuff black?  I like to tell people that I’m not grown up enough yet to drink my coffee black.  It usually provokes a chuckle.

This weekend, I sweetened my first cup of coffee and forgot to sweeten the second.  I didn’t realize it wasn’t sweetened until I was halfway finished.  Yes, it’s pumpkin spice flavored, but I realized at that moment that I could drink coffee without adding anything!  This morning, I decided to try cinnamon in my coffee based on a post written by Dr. Oz:

Tip of the Day: Try a half teaspoon of cinnamon for an easy way to boost your metabolism and burn calories. I like to mix it with a cup of tea.

Newsflash!  I used my husband’s leftover k-cup of Caribou (which is not flavored) and had some leftover cinnamon in the bottom of my mug.  I did not sweeten it and it was delicious!  Oh my, am I growing up???

PS: Cinnamon does not dissolve in your coffee, so the last swig is undrinkable, in my opinion…

Surviving the Treadmill

Moving and Grooving to Musicals

I’ve been on the treadmill all week.  Usually, I’m a groove to my music kind of girl when exercising.  On the treadmill, though, sometimes even my favorite songs don’t help the time pass and I get bored.  I also don’t typically like to watch television while I am on the treadmill because I don’t like waiting through the commercials (even more boring than music).

My husband gave me an iPad for my birthday (score!).  I installed Netflix on it and have enjoyed watching various documentaries that scare the fool out of me regarding where our food comes from, etc.  Yuck.  Anyway…I decided to watch something different yesterday.  Something, perhaps, more catchy.  I chose Hello, Dolly!.


It turns out that I’m a musicals kind of girl!  Today, I watched Gypsy.  The only glitch is that I’m obviously not going to exercise for the entire duration of the movie.  I then find myself taking my iPad around the house with me with it on as I do my daily chores.

What is your favorite thing to watch on the treadmill?

Lessons from Spud Webb

Dream Big Even If Everyone Else Thinks You're Small.

For whatever reason, I looked up “Today in History” on Google.  I was just curious, I guess.  I first read an article about the capture of Roanoke Island during the Civil War.  It was cool to read names that correlate with streets I have actually run in Manteo (Burnside, anyone?).

I scrolled a little further down and saw this headline in history:

Spud Webb wins dunk contest

Spud Webb!!!  I used to love watching that little guy!  Maybe because I was always (affectionately) picked on for my short stature…  I think there are some lessons we can learn from Spud Webb.

  1. Your insides overrule your outsides.
  2. Failure doesn’t mean quit; it means keep trying until you win.
  3. Believe in yourself even if no one else believes in you.
  4. Play the hand you’re dealt and know that victory is near.

What do other voices say about you?  Do you believe them?  Listen to the voice of Truth that rests inside your heart.


Slow and Steady Wins the Race! Don't be a hare. Keep moving!

I saw a heading for a post today that read,

“There are no shortcuts”

Isn’t that the truth?  No, really, it is.  How many times have you tried to cut a corner just to discover that you ended up spending MORE time than you would have if you would have just done it correctly in the first place?

I feel this way about diet and exercise.  There are no shortcuts in this arena.  Well, there might be, but aren’t they usually short-lived?  I think so.  Think of the Aesop Fable of “The Tortoise and The Hare”.

The Hare and the Tortoise

  The Hare was once boasting of his speed before the other
animals.  "I have never yet been beaten," said he, "when I put
forth my full speed.  I challenge any one here to race with me."

  The Tortoise said quietly, "I accept your challenge."

  "That is a good joke," said the Hare; "I could dance round you
all the way."

  "Keep your boasting till you've beaten," answered the
Tortoise.  "Shall we race?"

  So a course was fixed and a start was made.  The Hare darted
almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped and, to show his
contempt for the Tortoise, lay down to have a nap.  The Tortoise
plodded on and plodded on, and when the Hare awoke from his nap,
he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run
up in time to save the race.  Then said the Tortoise:
	"Plodding wins the race."

You see, the hare didn’t take a shortcut, but this is what he did do (the way I see it): he thought he could slack off and lose diligence and then quickly make up for it when he needed to do so.

I am guilty of this.  I might indulge in too many desserts and snack foods.  I might watch the scale creep up a few pounds.  Then I say, “well, that’s no problem.  I can just reign it back in for a few days and get it all back where I want things.”  The problem with this philosophy is that the fix is temporary.  It is also very frustrating.  Why not just work slowly and steadily and make good choices from the beginning?

You don’t have to cleanse.  You don’t have to work out until you pass out.  Just take your time.  You will win this race!

Winner Winner Beef With Broccoli Dinner!

Rainy Day Gal's Beef with Broccoli

Oh, can you say YUM?  Monday night’s dinner was Beef with Broccoli from my kitchen, not the Top’s China down the street.  I bet mine tastes better!

On a website entitled, “Rainy Day Gal”, a cute lady named Jenny from Seattle, Washington shares recipes and such that are approved by her adorable family.

It was so easy and very yummy delicious.  Give it a try!

Beef with Broccoli

This easy version of the Chinese takeout classic requires only a short marinade to make the beef fork-tender. Serve over white or brown rice. Serves 4.

Prep Time: 10 minutes + 1 hour for marinade Cook Time: 8 minutes

First, marinate the meat:

1. Whisk together the baking soda, sugar, cornstarch, soy sauce, water, and vegetable oil in a large bowl. Toss the steak with the marinade to coat. Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour, then proceed below.

  • 1/2 c low-sodium soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1 tbsp sherry
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 2 heads broccoli, crowns only

1. In a small bowl, stir together the soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic, flour and sherry until smooth. Set aside.

2. In a large wok or saute pan, heat 2 tablespoons of the vegetable oil over high heat until shimmering. Add broccoli and saute 3 minutes, stirring often. Transfer broccoli to a plate.

3. Carefully add the remaining tablespoon of oil to the hot pan. Add the marinated meat and half of the sauce mixture and saute for 3-4 minutes, stirring often, until the meat is cooked through and no longer pink. Stir in the broccoli and remaining sauce. Saute 1 minute more. Serve.

Article printed from rainy day gal:

URL to article:

Super Bowl Party Success!

Over the weekend, I ate cake and I ate pizza, I admit.  I am happy to report, though, that I did not munch during the Super Bowl party.  I was even able to resist temptation by standing near the food without reaching for any nibbles.  I stuck with my plan and ate before the party.  Success, indeed!

This morning, I’m excited about my weekly menu.  I have two new-to-me recipes to try this week.  I’m also making one of my favorites, Chicken and Dumplings (my style).  I’ve attempted many recipes to find the one I love.  I’ve finally found it by piecing three different recipes together!  A friend of mine calls it “Chicken Pastry”.  Fine, it can be that, too.  I just call it DELICIOUS!

Chicken and Dumplings

For Chicken:

  • 3-6 lb whole fryer chicken (I used a 3 lb fryer)
  • 2 quarts water
  • 2 tsp salt (I used sea salt)
  • ½ cup Italian dressing
  • 1 ½ tsp honey (I used raw honey)
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice


  1. mix all ingredients and add to dutch oven with chicken.
  2. Bring to a boil.
  3. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer for one hour or until tender (should almost fall off of the bone).
  4. Remove the chicken from the broth and cool.
  5. Bone the chicken and cut into bite-size pieces.
  6. Bring the broth back to a boil and add frozen store-bought dumplings (if you make your own, add them now).
  7. Cook the dumplings until almost done and remove.  Set aside.

Dumpling Sauce:

  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 4 tbsp flour (I used whole wheat flour)
  • 1 cup milk (I used 1%)
  • 2 chicken bouillon cubes
  • ½ tsp sugar (I used Stevia)


  1. Whisk dumpling sauce ingredients in broth from chicken and dumplings.
  2. Add dumplings and chicken.
  3. Simmer until it looks done…
  4. Better make some biscuits to sop it up with……


Correlation Between Organization and Weight Loss? I Think So.

...and this is NOT what I mean by getting more organized...

Since we haven’t had any real winter weather in my town, I feel okay about “Spring Cleaning” in February.  The motivation actually comes from the need to de-clutter and open up my house in order for it to go on the market.  Slowly, I’ve been packing, purging, and reorganizing.  Ah, it feels GREAT!

I find that I keep giving my activity the term, “thinning out”.  When I look around at my current home decor, which looks more like a model home now than my home, it relaxes me.  Don’t get me wrong, I like my stuff.  But this feels more streamlined and breathable.  I guess that is the point when potential buyers come to determine whether or not they can envision themselves living in my home.

This got me to thinking: is there a correlation between being more organized and losing weight? Y’all know I am a believer in one small change leading to other small changes, etc.  So, if I de-clutter my drawers, cabinets, and closets, for example, might that also motivate me to take care of my own body a little better?  I think it does.

My philosophy is this: a well put-together home (not a rigid, OCD-type home, mind you) makes you feel a little happier.  When my room is clean and my bed is made, I just feel fresher…happier…cleaner.  It makes me want to clean the next room and so on.  But it also makes me want to take care of other aspects of myself more, like my nutrition and exercise routine.

If you can get organized in your file cabinet, for example (um, I haven’t started there and it’s a MESS), you can maybe make a menu, which leads to a concise grocery list, which saves money, which makes your husband happy.  See how this all works?  And, you’re not freaking out at 3pm because you forgot to pull something out of the freezer and you have to “quick thaw” it to make a last-minute meal.  My husband always calls me out on “last-minute meals”.

If you have a plan (which is part of organization), then your life just runs more smoothly, which is better for your health (both physical and mental).  This I believe.  It’s not based on any research that I could find.  I did run across a few articles that agreed with my philosophy.

Get rid of the clutter.  Get rid of the junk.  Interpret this however you need to in order to simplify your life.  You will like the results!

When one finishes the race

Please click on the link below to read a wonderful and relevant post by Nicole Carline.

When one finishes the race.

3 Birthdays + 1 Super Bowl = 4 Parties This Weekend!

I don’t know how this weekend filled up so quickly, but my daughter was invited to two birthday parties and my son was invited to one birthday party.  Then, we have the Super Bowl to watch on Sunday.

Let’s face it…I don’t watch football, so I’m not going to see one iota of the game.  I will probably be back in the food area where I will hopefully do more gabbing than eating.  Oh, but this is the best food EVER!  Better than Thanksgiving, I dare say.  All of the delicious munchies all on one table AND beer on tap with which to wash it all down!


I don’t need to wash it down with beer.  It is a Sunday night, after all.  My kids will be at the party and I have to put them to bed and then get them ready for school the next day.  Okay, so be wise with the spirits.  I can do that!

In fact, here’s my strategy: I will plan to drink wine.  If I have a glass or two of wine, then it will not go at all with the football food staring at me deliciously on the table.

I have the drinking and snacking plan…but what if I’m hungry?  Simple!  I will feed my family dinner before we go.  The party is (slightly) after dinner time, so that shouldn’t be a problem.  This way, I can let my kids eat the chips and it won’t turn in to their dinner!  I will have a full belly and we can just move on from the food on the table and I can talk instead of eat.  Awesome!

What about the birthday parties?  They both surround meal times (or at least my meal times).  The first one is at 11 am.  I tend to eat lunch early.  I don’t know why.  I’ll have to eat a 10:45 lunch and maybe have cake at the party.  Oh yea!  The second party is at 6pm.  One could say that I could eat before I go, but I have a 40-minute commute to the party, so I’ll have to eat in the car…or, have dinner ready at 5 and gobble it down.  Yes, that’s the plan.  Early lunch; early dinner.

Do you see what I did?  I made a PLAN.  That’s really the trick.  Look at the cards you’ve been dealt and then make a plan.  I’ll have to incorporate a little prayer that I actually stick to the plan and not eat my meal at home and then still indulge at the parties…  I’ve been known to do that.  I’m always sorry that I did that, though.

PS: I plan to take something that I can feel good about eating at the Super Bowl party so if I do feel like I want a little nibble, then I’ll go for what I brought and know what I’m eating.  Okay, girls (and guys?), some of you reading this will be at said parties this weekend.  Now I know I can’t let you down!