How I got from fat to fit, among other bits of wisdom.

Do not let this be you...make a decision to make the most of each and every day!

I rented Slumdog Millionaire from Netflix on December 27.  I finally got around to watching it last night.  It’s been sitting in my drawer for over three months!  I knew it was in there.  Sure, I don’t watch a lot of television, let alone movies, but I had time between now and then to sneak that in.  In fact, I thought about it several times and “just wasn’t in the mood” and let Buck (apparently, he’d rather be called by his own name in my posts versus the generic “my husband”…) pick some Matt Damon or Bruce Willis movie to watch…again…

The next movie in my queue is The Bucket List.  My movie procrastination, along with thinking about the next movie in my queue reminded me of a guest blog written a few months ago (seriously, how is half of this year already gone?).  Keenun Barley guest blogged about fence jumping.  Today, in her own blog, The Single Wife, she again mentioned the topic of “making a decision”.

I had to make a decision that I was going to stop making excuses and exercise and eat right.  I had to make a decision to write down everything that went in to my mouth no matter how time-consuming it was at first.  I had to make a decision that my health was more important than passively snacking while at social events.  I had to make a decision that my health was more important than the convenience of processed foods.  I had to make a decision to become better.

What I discovered when I finally took the leap was that it IS better.  The food tastes better. My body feels and looks better.  My attitude is better.  EVERYTHING is BETTER!  It had to be a conscious decision, though.  It didn’t just happened.  I had to make it happen.

PS: It doesn’t mean it has to be all work and no play!  In approximately ten minutes, I’ll be on my way with a friend to Busch Gardens to complete my eight-mile training walk.  We’ll also take the time to ride a few rides, etc.  I’ll march in place while standing in line and we’ll walk and walk and walk.  See, staying healthy can be fun!

Comments on: "Stop Procrastinating and Make a Decision!" (2)

  1. Thanks for the PING! 🙂 I love Slumdog Millionaire… of my faves! Hope you enjoyed BG……We ALMOST went, today…..that would have been so cool! But, I saw they were having a concert and the thought of traffic freaked me out — I have to get Jake to camp, tomorrow. I was worried that we’d be too exhauseted, after the drive. You’re a lucky duck for living so close!

    • It was so empty there today! The concert was part of the Christian music series. Tomorrow might be busier because it’s Mercy Me, but it was not busy at all today! Would have been fun to see you!

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