How I got from fat to fit, among other bits of wisdom.

Archive for March 8, 2011


Coca-Cola Zero

Image via Wikipedia

I forgot about Lent.  I like to give up something and then give alms.  I just do.  I haven’t given this any thought and I’m taking this blog post to figure it out.

One year, I gave up Facebook and read the bible when I would have instead been playing Farmville.  Another year, I gave up secular radio and only listened to Christian radio.  I had a priest who really loved to go to the movies.  He gave up movies and put that money he would have spent into his rice box.

I’m trying to think about something meaningful and something for my health.  What are my current vices?

I know.  See, if I hash something out for long enough, it will click.

I’m giving up diet soda.  This will be hard for me because I love the fizzy goodness.  I just bought 3 bottles of Coke Zero yesterday.  They’ll have to stay in the fridge because I’m not drinking them all tonight!

I will pay alms in my rice box (I need to get one of those…) for what I would have spent in diet sodas during the time of Lent.

Maybe I can finally break this addiction.  It’s so good, though.  One step at a time!